Fairview Container Terminal Expansion
Terminal Expansion to 1.8M TEU Capacity (2 Stages)
Fairview Container Terminal Expansion
The Fairview Container Terminal is located in Prince Rupert, on the West Coast of British Columbia. It was the first dedicated intermodal (ship to rail) container terminal in North America when it began operation in 2007 and has grown to become a major trans-Pacific trade gateway with a global reputation for speed and reliability.
DP World Prince Rupert Inc. has been operating the Fairview Container Terminal since 2015. Since that time, throughput has grown from 776,412 TEUs in 2015 to 1,141,390 TEUs in 2020. Significant expansion work has been undertaken during the last five years to achieve this, by capitalizing on growth opportunities in market share and expanding global trade volumes.
From 2015 to 2017, expansion project work included both a northern and southern expansion of the Terminal. Cullen Grummitt & Roe UK (CGR) prepared the detailed design of the Phase II North expansion of the Terminal, which included expansion of the wharf to 800m in length and increased sustainable practical capacity to 1.35 million TEUs per annum.
Today, Fairview Container Terminal’s sustainable practical capacity is 1.6M TEUs; however, demand will soon outstrip that level of capacity and further volume growth is projected into the foreseeable future. To maximize the opportunity for gateway growth, work has been completed on DP World Prince Rupert’s Phase 2B Stage 1A (P2BS1A) project, with plans to deliver Phase 2B Stage 1B (P2BS1B) underway. In combination, these two stages will yield an expanded sustainable practical capacity of 1.8M TEUs at Fairview Container Terminal.
Phase 2B Stage 1A – 1.6M TEU
This stage expands the container yard with major infill work at the south end of the terminal footprint tying it into the Connector Road. Terminal capacity increases by 250,000 TEUs.
P2BS1A comprises of:
- Expansion of the container yard with the reclamation of an additional 4.4 hectares of land to the south, resulting in 1,103 20-foot container ground slots
- Addition of an eighth quay crane, capable of servicing the largest vessels a float today
- Seven additional internal transfer vehicles
- A new 4-lane truck gate at the south end of the terminal, which will connect to the PRPA Ridley Connector Road
- Addition of two reefer towers in the container yard with 120 plugs, yielding a total of 240 plugs
Project Timeline:
Construction commenced in Q1 of 2021 and work was completed 2022.
Project Design Build Constructor:
Phase 2B Stage 1A is being designed and constructed by Peter Kiewit Sons ULC.
Phase 2B Stage 1B – 1.8M TEU
This stage further expands capacity through the consolidation of parking, equipment parking, and administrative/maintenance buildings to the north end of the terminal. The on terminal rail will be increased and the CN mainline will be reallocated to run outside of terminal intermodal yard operations. Terminal capacity increases by 200,000 TEUs.
P2BS1B comprises of:
- 21% increase to the on terminal intermodal yard rail
- The existing CN Mainline will be relocated at the north end of the terminal to accommodate the IY extension and a new terminal access road
- Relocation of the existing small craft harbor and infrastructure
- Expansion of the CY, resulting in 733 new TGS
- Expanded POV parking lot
- New terminal buildings and ancillary facilities
- Two new RTGs and 9 additional internal transfer vehicles
Project Timeline:
Construction is planned to begin soon.
Project Constructor:
A constructor has been selected for the project.
Project Statistics
Project Critical Path
Project Critical Updates
Est. completion
Proposed Second Terminal in Prince Rupert
Port of Prince Rupert / South Kaien Island
Feasibility Assessment Underway