Trigon Pacific Terminals
Type: Bulk Export
Operator: Trigon Pacific Terminals Ltd.
The Trigon Coal Terminal loads metallurgical coal, thermal coal and petroleum coke at a rate of 9,000 tonnes per hour.
(250) 624-9511
Westview Wood Pellet Terminal
Type: Wood Pellet Export
Operator: Drax
Westview Wood Pellet Terminal is the first purpose-built wood pellet export facility in North America. The facility has an annual capacity to ship 1.25 million tonnes of wood pellets annually to world markets for use in power generation.
Ridley Island Propane Export
Type: Bulk Liquid Propane Terminal
Operator: AltaGas Ltd.
AltaGas’ Ridley Island Propane Export Terminal (RIPET) is Canada’s first propane export facility.
Prince Rupert Grain Terminal
Type: Bulk Goods Export
Operator: Prince Rupert Grain
With capacity to ship in excess of seven million tonnes a year, Prince Rupert Grain's modern terminal has the highest throughput of any grain-cleaning elevator in Canada.
Northland Cruise Terminal
Type: Cruise Dock & Passenger Terminal
Operator: Prince Rupert Port Authority
Northland Cruise Terminal can accommodate vessels of up to 300 meters (960 ft.) in length and 15 meters (50 ft.) in draft, and a 4,000 square-foot terminal building provides Customs and Immigration services.
Fairview Container Terminal
Type: Intermodal
Operator: DP World
The 32 hectare (79 acre) Fairview Container Terminal is the first dedicated intermodal (ship to rail) container terminal in North America.