Land Use Plan
The Prince Rupert Port Authority (PRPA) has begun the process of reviewing its Land Use Plan. The Land Use Plan is a document that lays out PRPA’s plan for managing lands under its jurisdiction for the next 20 years. The update is the latest in a continual effort to ensure that lands are managed effectively for the current and future benefit of the port, its stakeholders and the community. The plan allows PRPA to take stock and update its vision for the future as the economy evolves and new opportunities present themselves.
Engagement Opportunities
PRPA is committed to ensuring this update has communication with and involvement of local First Nations, local governments, residents, businesses, government agencies, neighbouring communities, and other members of the public. As part of the review process, PRPA is engaging with the community to raise awareness and understanding about the process and to receive comments for consideration on the Land Use Plan update.
There will be several opportunities for engagement throughout the process. The events listed below mark the beginning of the first phase of engagement where the community is invited to learn about the current planning process and share their own aspirations for the port. A secondary phase of engagement planned for the new year will give the community a chance to comment on the draft plan before it is finalized.
- Visit the online feedback page to tell us what you think through questionnaires, surveys, etc.
- Attend information events
- Sign up for our mailing list to keep informed and to find out about new opportunities for feedback
- Contact us to let us know what we should be paying attention to, what’s working well, and what we could do better
- Follow PRPA on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on upcoming engagement opportunities and project updates
- Email us at
About the Land Use Plan Update
The Prince Rupert Port Authority is responsible for preparing a detailed land use plan that contains objectives and policies for the physical development of the real property that it manages, holds, or occupies and that it takes into account relevant social, economic and environmental matters and zoning by-laws that apply to neighbouring lands. The “2020 Land Use Plan” was implemented in 2011, and adopts a time frame of approximately 10 years, to the year 2020. Many aspects of this plan remain valid, but there have been important changes to operating context, strategic direction and land portfolio. Given this, PRPA has initiated the process of updating its Land Use Plan.
PRPA’s 2020 Land Use Plan details where the port has come from and provides the starting point for this update. The current land use plan can be found here: