Supplying in-demand agricultural products to international markets
The largest grain terminal on the West Coast: Prince Rupert Grain owns and operates Canada’s largest grain terminal on the West Coast, handling primarily wheat, barley, and canola from the Canadian prairies. Prince Rupert Grain Ltd. offers the best route for Canadian grain bound for Asian and Middle East markets.
Prince Rupert Grain Terminal Ltd.
With a capacity to ship in excess of seven million tonnes a year, Prince Rupert Grain’s modern terminal has the highest throughput of any grain-cleaning elevator in Canada. Opened in 1985, the terminal was built to improve Canada’s ability to export grain and oilseeds. Prince Rupert Grain handles wheat, barley, and canola shipped by rail directly from grain elevators on the prairies to the terminal. The terminal also processes and exports by-products such as grain screening pellets, feed screenings, mixed feed oats, and associated commodities.
This state-of-the-art terminal cleans grain as fast as it can be unloaded from rail cars, in excess of 13 cars per hour. The eight shipping bins and three tower-mounted loading spouts can load up to 4,000 tonnes an hour into vessels.